Oliver Standing (Adfam)
Oliver is Director of Policy and Communications for Adfam – the national charity working to improve support for families affected by drug or alcohol use.
Adfam’s mission: “Drug and alcohol use can threaten and ultimately destroy family relationships and wellbeing. We empower family members and carers, support frontline workers and influence decision-makers to stop this happening.”
In his current role Oliver is responsible for overseeing the funded projects, day-to-day and strategic communications and policy work of the organisation. Over the past seven years he’s worked on projects spanning the workforce development of the treatment sector, domestic abuse, novel psychoactive substances, youth offending and bereavement.
Working in partnership with Cruse Bereavement Care, Oliver has developed an innovative peer-support project empowering those bereaved by substance use to support others who’ve experienced a similar kind of loss through structured groups, befriending and intensive phone support.
Before Adfam Oliver worked for the Family and Parenting Institute and Skills for Justice
Dot Inger (SPODA)
Dot has worked within the health and social care sector for over 40 years, though for the past 20 yrs she has worked solely within the substance use family sector.
Dot was one of the founder members of Spoda a Derbyshire Charity for families affected by another’s drug use; within this work she has delivered all aspects of family and carer service delivery.
She has received numerous recognitions both locally and nationally. She has contributed to NHS Drug Misuse and Dependence Clinical Management guidelines and NICE guidelines. Dot has been a key advocate with national research on Naloxone and Overdose Management for carers and families. She has and contributed to expert groups as a carer advocate for national NTA/NHS/PH documents and best practice guidelines for family/carers services.