Miss Hadah Alkhaldi

PhD Student


I am Hadah Alkhaldi. In 2008, I received a Bachelor of Science degree in hospital pharmacy from King Saud University in Riyadh, then I joined Prince Sultan Cardiac centre pharmacy staff within Prince Sultan Military Medical City. In 2013, my application for postgraduate scholarship successfully accepted. In 2014 I earned a Master of Science degree in Clinical pharmacy -University of Strathclyde-Glasgow, my dissertation title was (Benzodiazepines (BZD) and z-hypnotic Prescribing across the Health Interface: Acute Mental Health and General Practice). In January 2016 I joined Academic Primary Care research group-University of Aberdeen- as a PhD student. A unique opportunity to examine BZD and Z-drugs prescribing patterns in-relation with early/middle/later-life socioeconomic status, social circumstances, and social mobility, also with multimorbidity, among one of Aberdeen’s Birth Cohorts. My research interests is in medicines management, patient’s safety, longitudinal study, health and social care integration, and pharmacy education.