COVID-19: national guidance (links)

First published: 22 May 2020 | Last updated: 01 December 2023


National guidance:

Department of Health and Social Care Guidance: PPE portal: how to order COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE)

National Health Executive Identification of Covid-19 risk groups to help guide treatment – risk identification tool

NHS Operational guidance: vaccination of frontline health and social care workers: click here

NHS guidance on COVID-19: click here

Information from the UK government: click here

Advice for people who may have COVID-19 from Public Health England (PHE): click here


National Guidance A-Z

American Psychiatry Association webpage of guidance from the government at both the federal and state levels, plus information about working with patients with substance use disorders

American Society of Addiction Medicine COVID-19 Guidance and Resources: click here

EU guidance on COVID-19: click here

Cabinet Office Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do -Section 3.18 (applies to England only) updated 14 Sept

Collective Voice: Keeping your staff safe: Covid-19 vaccines

General Pharmaceutical Council update on new legislation relating to controlled drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic: click here

Irish government: information on COVID-19 from the government of Ireland: click here

Irish National Social Inclusion Office: guidance documents and resources about COVID-19 and addiction: click here

Justice Innovation: new practice briefing ‘Family Drug and Alcohol Courts under Covid-19’

The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) has produced specific guidance about how to reintroduce CO monitoring and face-to-face stop smoking support safely. Available here

The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)  guidance on delivering behavioural support and supply of NRT remotely, to help services adapt to the COVID-19 restrictions

Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research, Canada: Impacts of COVID-19 on people with pre-existing substance use and addictions – quick response report focusing on the impact of mitigation on non-COVID populations

NHS Speciality Guide – Clinical guide for the management of people with alcohol dependence during the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF): click here

PHE: COVID-19 advice on stopping drinking for people dependent on alcohol during COVID-19 pandemic: click here

PHE: COVID-19: advice  for people who smoke or vape during the COVID-19 outbreak updated 29 March 2021

PHE: COVID-19: guidance for commissioners and providers of services for people who use drugs or alcohol updated 19 May 2021

PHE: Guidance for those who provide unpaid care to friends or family

PHE: new advice (29 March) for the public on the mental health and well-being aspects of COVID-19 with information for people with specific mental health problems and on getting help in a crisis: click here

PHE Operational advice for alcohol, drugs and nicotine in emergency accommodation for people experiencing rough sleeping

Queens University, Belfast: Covid-19 public health road map: Alcohol consumption – British Psychological Society Guidance

Release, a UK based advice service on drugs and drug law, has outlined advice for people who use drugs: click here

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: guidance on COVID-19 in pregnancy: click here

Royal College of Psychiatrists COVID-19: Working with  vulnerable patients

Royal Society for Public Health Statement on COVID-19: click here

Scottish Drug Foundation Updated guidance for contingency planning for services during COVID-19

Scottish Recovery Consortium:Recovery Community & Mutual Aid Groups COVID-19 Guidance

Social Care Institute for Excellence: COVID-19 guide for drug and alcohol residential rehab and detox services aims to provide specific and useful information for dealing with COVID-19

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction new resources – report  ‘Methamphetamine, the Respiratory System and COVID-19’ infographic ‘Methamphetamine, Cocaine and #COVID-19 Health Risks’

UK government: COVID-19 guidance for commissioners and service providers for those dependent on drugs or alcohol: click here

UK government: guidance on COVID-19 testing for front-line workers who are self-isolating: click here

UK government: guidance on school closures in the UK, including a list of those considered to be key staff. This includes NHS staff and health and social care staff including volunteers: click here

UK Parliament: The Misuse of Drugs (Coronavirus) (Amendments Relating to the Supply of Controlled Drugs During a Pandemic etc.) Regulations 2020: Written statement  UK Parliament: click here

UN: Statement by the UN expert on the right to health on the protection of people who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic: click here

US Government for the latest COVID-19 updates: click here 

WHO: Tobacco control during the COVID-19 pandemic: how we can help Statement from the Head of the WHO Convention Secretariat, Dr Adriana Blanco Marquizo: click here

WHO statement: Tobacco use and COVID-19



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