Dr Adam Winstock
Adam is a Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist and researcher based in London. He worked in Australia for eight years. He has spent over a decade researching new drug trends. He has written and spoken widely on the issue of novel psychoactive substances having conducted the largest studies in the world on the use of mephedrone and synthetic cannabis products. His research and academic papers focus on their epidemiology, effect profiles, motivations for use and risks of harms. He has also monitored the impact of legislation on their use and availability and has written on the issue of alternative legislative responses to criminalisation under the misuse of drugs legislation. He has written over a 100 papers, monographs and book chapters. He is also founder and director of Global Drug Survey, an independent drug use data exchange hub and the architect of the drugs meter (www.drugsmeter.com).
New drug trends and unmet treatment need – Findings from the Global Drug Survey, 2011-12
In 2011 Global Drug Survey conducted an anonymous on line survey of drug users in conjunction with the Guardian and Mixmag. In just 4 weeks over 15,000 responses were received from around the world, approximately half from the UK. The study explored a range of issues from new drug trends and prescription drug misuse to enquiry and disclosure to GPs and how people viewed their use compared to others. In this presentation I will review our findings on prescription drug use and new drug trends in the UK. I will also present our recent findings on the effect profile and patterns of use of the synthetic cannabinoids and changes in the use of mephedrone since its ban in 2010 and its effect profile compared to other white powders. I will finally address the issue of how to use the web to engage people who use drugs in a discourse that promotes positive lifestyle changes and where appropriate onwards referral into treatment. I will describe the drugs meter an independently funded, anonymous, free drug use assessment app available on line and through your smart phone. The drugs meter provides objective, personalised and comparative feedback on use of 9 drugs including alcohol. Other than being able to track new drug trends, provide harm reduction advice and sexuality specific safe sex advice, the rugs meter can support targeted health promotion and local referral into treatment. Some members of the audience may find the alcohol drugs meter (www.drinksmeter.com) which calculates calories, country specific units adjusted for personal risk and a 10 item AUDIT with tailored feedback useful to complete after the conference.