NHS Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist
Jan K Melichar, MD FRCPsych, is an NHS Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist, Senior Lecturer (Psychopharmacology, Bath University) and Visiting Professor (University of South Wales). He regularly provides advice to government, industry and commissioners. He previously worked as a Medical Director, founded a Medical Device Start-Up and set-up a Regional Detoxification Unit. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and serves on the National Executive, Addictions Faculty, of the College. In 2020, as part of Covid-19 developments, he put a successful bid to Welsh Government to fund nationwide use of a long-acting monthly opioid replacement injection (Buvidal). Working together with colleagues, he rolled it out across Wales and has given >400 injections to >100 patients. His research interests include lab-based research to understand what causes the significant benefit of Buvidal and the development of properly researched detoxification and trauma pathways.