Sarah Stacey
Sarah is a Clinical Psychologist, EMDR Therapist and BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist. She has worked within prison and community substance use services for over ten years and currently works within Bristol Recovery Oriented Alcohol & Drugs Service (ROADS). Sarah is a co-director of the Bristol Alcohol & Drugs Health Integration Team (HIT)and the current chair of the British Psychological Society Faculty of Addictions. She holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Bath and her clinical and research interests focus on complex trauma experiences within people who use substances.
Group and individual trauma-focussed therapies for people who use substances
People who use alcohol and other drugs should not be excluded from treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) because of their substance use (NICE, 2018). Prevalence of complex trauma histories is high in this client group, however research shows that mental health treatment needs often remain unmet.
This presentation will describe the development of a phase based approach to psychological therapy for trauma within substance use services. This includes the delivery and evaluation of the Moving on After Trauma (MOAT) psycho education and stabilisation group, as well as summarising the individual trauma-focussed therapy provision. Reflections will be shared on the barriers and facilitators and the hopes for next steps.