Dr Samuel Parker
I am a dedicated GP with broad clinical and leadership experience, presently undertaking a PhD (part-time) at Newcastle University. My longer term aspirations include helping to improve service development, increasing networking and collaboration between clinical specialities and academic researchers, and influencing national healthcare policy, specifically in regards to tackling inequalities, in conjunction with my on-going clinical career as a General Practitioner. I am eager to utilise my representative role as an Executive Member of the BMA North East Regional Council to further my leadership skills and promote public health interventions and collaboration between clinicians and academics.
An innovative hospital-initiated strategy for treating tobacco dependency: an intervention refinement evidenced-based approach with user engagement
Dr Samuel Parker
GP and PhD Student
I am a dedicated GP with broad clinical and leadership experience, presently undertaking a PhD (part-time) at Newcastle University. My longer term aspirations include helping to improve service development, increasing networking and collaboration between clinical specialities and academic researchers, and influencing national healthcare policy, specifically in regards to tackling inequalities, in conjunction with my on-going clinical career as a General Practitioner. I am eager to utilise my representative role as an Executive Member of the BMA North East Regional Council to further my leadership skills and promote public health interventions and collaboration between clinicians and academics.