Millie Strachan
I am a student at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, studying at undergraduate level and specialising in Animation. I first became involved as a comic artist for the Society for the Study of Addiction funded ‘Youth in Iceland Model’ project, led by the University of Stirling, through a comics youth group which I attended at Dundee Comics Creative Space. As a comic artist for the group I had a main focus on recording the conversations that were happening and the overall progress of the project. These comics feature in the project outputs.
Creating comics for the Youth in Iceland Model project
As a young Dundonian and comic artist, Millie worked with the project team to create a range of comics to capture the key themes of the project. In this presentation she will discuss the process of developing the comics and showcase some key pieces.
This project was funded by the SSA.
Click here for presentation slides.
Presentation video: