Karen Megranahan
MPhil/PhD student, Institute of Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths College, University of London, United Kingdom
Currently investigating the use of creative arts activities as an intervention for substance use dependence following a background in business providing Employee Assistance Programmes to multinational companies. Qualifications include an MSc in Addiction Studies from Kings College London, related publication ‘Do creative arts reduce substance misuse? A systematic review’ DOI: 10.1016/j.aip.2017.10.005
Creative arts in recovery: Personal reflections and artwork
This curated collection of artworks is presented together with the artist’s voice by way of additional personalised statements, where provided, which describe the value of the creative arts activities along the journey of each participant’s recovery. The breadth and nature of the individual experiences shed light on the diverse ways in which creative arts can be beneficial to aid recovery from substance use dependencies. The collection is also a substantial part of a larger NIHR funded project, the recovery workbook, more information is available online from rec-path.org.