Ms Hannah Walsh
I am a mental health nurse, and a PhD candidate at the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care at King’s College London. I have over ten years nursing experience in inpatient, community and Deaf mental health services, in leadership and in practice development. I was awarded an NIHR studentship to complete an MClinRes, and a Nightingale scholarship to undertake a PhD. My PhD is a mixed methods study which aims to develop the evidence base for an intervention to address tobacco and cannabis co-use amongst young adults, supervised by Dr Maria Duaso and Prof Ann McNeill at KCL. I am interested in health inequalities, mental health and substance misuse.
Developing the evidence base for an intervention to address tobacco and cannabis co-use
Ms Hannah Walsh
PhD Student
I am a mental health nurse, and a PhD candidate at the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care at King’s College London. I have over ten years nursing experience in inpatient, community and Deaf mental health services, in leadership and in practice development. I was awarded an NIHR studentship to complete an MClinRes, and a Nightingale scholarship to undertake a PhD. My PhD is a mixed methods study which aims to develop the evidence base for an intervention to address tobacco and cannabis co-use amongst young adults, supervised by Dr Maria Duaso and Prof Ann McNeill at KCL. I am interested in health inequalities, mental health and substance misuse.