Jamie Brown

Dr Brown completed his PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge in 2010 and worked as a post-doctoral research associate within the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL until 2013 when he was appointed a fellow of the Society for Study of Addiction in the Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, UCL. The fellowship allowed him to expand his research interests beyond tobacco to include alcohol misuse, and his fellowship research aims to assess and mitigate the impact of excessive alcohol consumption on public health in England. A key aspect of this involves establishing the Alcohol Toolkit Study (ATS) in collaboration with colleagues funded by NIHR’s School for Public Health Research. The ATS and the long-established Smoking Toolkit Study (STS; www.smokinginengland.info) involve the same respondents and will thereby allow the assessment of associations between alcohol and tobacco use and corresponding time trends.


Fellowship Report: To assess and mitigate the impact of excessive alcohol consumption on public health in England