Jo Neale
Jo Neale is Reader in Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research based within the Addictions Department at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London. Jo is a qualified social worker and social scientist. Her research primarily focuses on the views and experiences of drug and alcohol users, both in and out of treatment, and she has a particular interest in individuals who have multiple and complex psychosocial needs. Jo’s publications include “Drug Users in Society”, “The Everyday Lives of Recovering Heroin Users” and “Research Methods for Health and Social Care”. She has also published book chapters and peer reviewed papers. Jo is the Senior Qualitative Editor for the international journal Addiction and an Adjunct Professor in the Centre for Social Research in Health at the University of New South Wales, Australia.
Iterative Categorization (IC): a systematic technique for analysing qualitative data
The processes of analysing qualitative data, particularly the stage between coding and publication, are often vague and/or poorly explained within addiction science and research more broadly. A simple but rigorous and transparent technique for an alysing qualitative textual data, developed within the field of addiction, is described. The technique, iterative categorization (IC), is suitable for use with inductive and deductive codes and can support a range of common analytical approaches, e.g. thematic analysis, Framework, constant comparison, analytical induction, content analysis, conversational analysis, discourse analysis, interpretative phenomenological analysis and narrative analysis. Once the data have been coded, the only software required is a standard word processing package. Worked examples are provided.
Keywords Coding, inductive analysis, iterative categorization, qualitative data analysis, qualitative research, research
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