Roxane Lavanchy

Roxane Lavanchy is an Associate of Shaping Our Lives. She became an Associate following recruitment as a researcher in a user-led study about digital communications in social work practice and has since worked on several projects with Shaping Our Lives. Previously, she was Co-production Mentor for a Disabled-led organisation in London, and she also works as a disability inclusion trainer and consultant.

Meaningfully involving public contributors in research: practical aspects of involvement and co-production

This workshop is being delivered by Shaping Our Lives, a user-led organisation specialising in the inclusive involvement of people from marginalised and oppressed communities. Shaping Our Lives often works as co-applicants or partners in university-led research studies and facilitates the involvement of the public in a meaningful and inclusive way. 

Drawing on their 26 years of experience in user-led research, they will provide practical advice on involving public contributors and on co-production. This interactive workshop will be particularly useful for early career researchers and people wanting to bring experiential knowledge into their work.