Hilary Klee
Research-based practice: a researcher’s view
This paper addresses several issues that have impeded a productive dialogue between drugs researchers and practitioners over many years. The application of research-based data has been variable, which can be a disappointing outcome for the researchers and for the practitioners. It is argued that all research, academic or applied, has potential relevance to practice. However, a combination of a failure to understand the perspectives, motives and goals of the ‘other side’; the constraints that govern each other’s work; and even a form of professional arrogance that does not acknowledge their value” stifles productive communication at root. This results in much effort going to waste that could inform effective practice. As well as poor motivation, there are the factors that arise,irom pressures on resources, particularly time. The demands of high workloads on practitioners on the one hand, and for quick results from researchers on the other, mean that adequate consultation and sustained effort is difficult. The paper ends with an overview of the prospects for achieving a true collaboration. ‘Tackling Drugs Together’ has support from many who are involved in drugs research, prevention and treatment, but specific initiatives to enhance it are needed that are appropriately resourced.