Susan Michie

Director of UCL Centre for Behaviour Change

Susan Michie, FMedSci, FAcSS is Professor of Health Psychology and Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London. She is co-Director of NIHR’s Behavioural Science Policy Research Unit and leads UCL’s membership of NIHR’s School of Public Health Research. Her research focuses on behaviour change: how to understand it theoretically and apply theory to complex intervention development, evaluation and implementation. Her research includes the Human Behavior Change Project and Complex Systems for Sustainability and Health. She serves as an expert advisor to Public Health England and the UK Department of Health and Social Care.


The Addiction Debate 2017

NEW for 2017; the SSA’s Annual Conference opened with a structured debate on a fundamental addictions-theme – should the concept of addiction be expanded to include behaviours such as internet use?

‘This Society believes it is appropriate to expand the concept of addiction to behaviours such as internet use’

Chaired by Professor Susan Michie, and led by eminent figures in the field, and with questions from the audience. Hear the full debate by clicking on the link below.

Proposing the motion Seconding the motion Opposing the motion Opposing the motion
Dr Mark Griffiths Dr Daria Kuss Prof Robert West Prof Jo Neale

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