Dr Inge Kersbergen
Dr Inge Kersbergen is an SSA academic fellow in the School of Health and Related Research at the University of Sheffield. Her research focuses on social and environmental influences on health behaviour, particularly alcohol consumption. She holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Liverpool, where she investigated how visual attention to alcohol warning labels and advertising is associated with drinking behaviour. In her postdoctoral work, Inge examined how reductions to the serving size of alcohol and food can be used to decrease alcohol consumption and energy intake. During her fellowship, she is developing this line of work further to investigate how the packaging size of alcohol sold in shops influences drinking behaviour and how we may harness this effect to reduce alcohol consumption.
The Addiction Debate 2018: Seconding the motion
Dr Inge Kersbergen
Inge Kersbergen is a post-doctoral researcher at the department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Liverpool. She is interested in social and environmental influences on health behaviour. Inge holds a master’s degree in behavioural science from the Radboud University, Nijmegen, and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Liverpool. During her post-doc, she examined how serving size reductions can be used to decrease alcohol consumption. She will develop this line of work further as an SSA academic fellow at the University of Sheffield, where she will investigate whether systematic serving size reductions may reduce off-trade alcohol consumption.