Dr Debbie Robson
Snr Post Doc Researcher in Tobacco Addiction
Debbie is a mental health nurse and post-doctoral tobacco addiction researcher with the Nicotine Research Group, Addictions Department. King’s College London. Her current role involves the development, implementation and evaluation of tobacco dependence treatment initiatives for people with a mental health condition and/ or substance use disorder who smoke.
The implementation of smokefree and e-cigarette policies within mental health and substance misuse services
Presentation link: The implementation of smokefree and e-cigarette policies within mental health and substance misuse services
Presentation audio: The implementation of smokefree and e-cigarette policies within mental health and substance misuse services
The introduction of smoke-free policies has challenged the longstanding smoking culture within mental health and substance use services. This talk will provide a brief overview of some of the collaborative work between the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience and the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust around the implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive smoke-free policy. The perceptions of treatments for tobacco harm reduction among staff and clients will be presented, along with early findings of a bespoke stop smoking service for people with co-occurring substance use problems.
Funding for this work comes from NIHR, Maudsley Charity and Cancer Research UK.