Hannah Carver
I am a Lecturer in Substance Use at University of Stirling, teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level on drug and alcohol policy and interventions. I am a qualitative researcher with interests in families, young people, women and homelessness. I am working on several research and knowledge exchange activities in health, homelessness and substance use. I am involved in a NIHR funded feasibility study of a peer-delivered relational intervention for people experiencing homelessness and problem substance use; a CSO funded study of Managed Alcohol Programmes in Scotland; a SSA funded project of substance use prevention in young people; and an anti-stigma campaign for families affected by the death of a loved one due to drugs/alcohol. I am also working on several systematic reviews, including metaethnographies, realist reviews and integrative reviews, in the area of substance use, mental health and homelessness.
Introduction to the SSA-funded Youth in Iceland Model (YiIM) project
The SSA funded a knowledge exchange project between 2019 and 2021 for a group of individuals, led by Professor Tessa Parkes (University of Stirling), Dr Hannah Carver (University of Stirling) and Pat Tyrie (Dundee Drugs Commission), to examine the evidence base of the ‘Youth in Iceland Model’ of substance use prevention. This presentation will provide an overview of the model and the project, before hearing from Pat about the need for primary prevention in Dundee, and from Millie, who created a range of comics for the project.
This project was funded by the SSA.
Presentation video: