Jørgen Bramness
Bramness is specialist in psychiatry. He earned his doctorate at the NIPH and at the University of Oslo in pharmacology in 2005. He has published more than 180 scientific papers, more than 15 books and book chapters and more than 200 popular science publications on topics like psychiatric epidemiology, pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology, drug addiction and abuse of drugs. He was director of research at The Norwegian Center for Addiction Research, University of Oslo October 2008-16.
Professor Bramness has no conflicts of interest to declare.
Training in addiction medicine and psychology throughout Europe
Addiction medicine and psychology are relative new field in clinical practice at least in many European countries. There is a great variety of backgrounds and trainings available throughout Europe. This survey among 25 European countries and among more than 35 addiction member societies of EUFAS aims to describe this variation in addiction training across Europe. We aim to describe the specialties or subspecialities and the formal competence required. We will describe variations in length and content of the training, if exams are held and if written assignments or even scientific achievements are needed and if there is formal certification and recertification. The content of the curriculum will also be addressed. The study also attempts to estimate the number of addictions specialists in each country. The study is under way during the summer of 2021 and no results are available currently. The study will hopefully give a picture of the situation for training in addiction medicine and psychology in Europe and maybe be the first step towards a more common certification or standard.
Presentation video: