Jo-Anne Puddephatt
Dr Jo-Anne Puddephatt is a Lecturer in Psychology at Edge Hill University. Using mixed methods, her research focuses on co-occurring alcohol and mental health problems and health inequalities in both England and the North-West of England. The current research is a New Horizon-funded project with Lancaster University, University of Liverpool, and King’s College London on exploring alcohol use among ethnic minority groups who experience mental health problems.
Understanding experiences of alcohol use among ethnic minority groups with a mental health problem: a framework analysis
We will discuss findings from our research, which aimed to explore experiences with alcohol and changes in use over time with ethnic minority drinkers and former drinkers who have a mental health diagnosis. Using framework analysis, their findings show how alcohol is used to cope with specific issues, such as not meeting family expectations, but also to achieve feelings of elation. The importance of initial contact with mental health services in prompting changes in drinking and seeking support will be discussed.