Lee Middleton
Dr Lee Middleton is a medical officer working for Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery service, and has been a specialist in the treatment of substance misuse in the city for over 15 years. Particular areas of interest during this time have been increasing blood borne virus testing rates in the community on the background of the HIV increase in Glasgow, and improving access to and engagement with hepatitis C treatment in the local care and treatment teams. She was also involved in piloting the use of long-acting buprenorphine in Glasgow in 2019, one of the first uses of this treatment in the UK, and is currently based in the Glasgow Alcohol and Drugs Crisis Service.
Use of prolonged release buprenorphine in drug crisis admissions in Glasgow
Aim Over the past 6 months, prolonged release buprenorphine has been offered as a medication assisted treatment (MAT) option for those accessing beds in Glasgow Drug Crisis Centre (GDCC). GDCC is a 12 bed residential unit for those at high risk of imminent harm from their current drug use in the community, and provides a 3 week emergency residential stay to allow this to be safely addressed through MAT, benzodiazepine detox or stabilised dosing, and medication-assisted detox from alcohol. Previously, the only MAT options available were methadone or buprenorphine tablets. However, over the past 6 months this has expanded to include PRB. This will evaluate the use of PRB in a drug crisis setting.
Methods GDCC admissions who were commenced on PRB during their 3 week stay will be collated and analysed. This will encompass the 3 months prior to admission and 3 months post discharge, and will consider parameters including:- demographics (age, sex, gender)- previous MAT type/dose- reported drug use- overdose (non-fatal/fatal)- discharge type (planned/unplanned)
Results Results pending due to the timescale of the medication availability and will be available at time of presentation. Conclusions Analysis of results pending, as per above.