Mr Tim Leighton

Tim Leighton is Action on Addiction’s Director of Professional Education and Research. He came to work for Clouds House (residential treatment centre) as a counsellor in 1985 and launched his first training course for addiction counsellors in 1988. He has been leading professional education courses and degrees in the field of addiction for over 25 years.

Tim has been a UKCP registered Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapist since 1994 and is also an accredited trainer and supervisor.

His current research interests are Addictions Counselling as a social practice, theory-based evaluation of treatment programmes, and the development of social identities in recovery from addiction. His PhD was on mechanisms of change in alcohol and drug rehabilitation programmes.

Working on recovery with patients in the supervised heroin treatment clinic

Mr Tim Leighton

Director, Centre for Addiction Treatment Studies

Tim Leighton is Action on Addiction’s Director of Professional Education and Research. He came to work for Clouds House (residential treatment centre) as a counsellor in 1985 and launched his first training course for addiction counsellors in 1988. He has been leading professional education courses and degrees in the field of addiction for over 25 years.

Tim has been a UKCP registered Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapist since 1994 and is also an accredited trainer and supervisor.

His current research interests are Addictions Counselling as a social practice, theory-based evaluation of treatment programmes, and the development of social identities in recovery from addiction. His PhD was on mechanisms of change in alcohol and drug rehabilitation programmes.

