Professor Robert West
Robert West is Professor of Health Psychology and Director of Tobacco Studies at the Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Research Centre, University College London, UK. Professor West is also co-director of the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training and is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Addiction. He is co-author of the English National Smoking Cessation Guidelines that provided the blueprint for the UK-wide network of stop-smoking services that are now an established part of the UK National Health Service. His research includes evaluations of methods of helping smokers to stop and population surveys of smoking and smoking cessation patterns.
Workshop: Comprehensive, consistent and accurate: How to report research studies in the field of addiction
Co-presented by Robert West, Susan Michie and John Marsden.
Even experienced researchers struggle to report research studies in a way that conveys what was done, why it was done, what the findings were and what they mean in a way that contains all the required information, and does does so consistently and accurately. This results in considerable waste of time in the review process and ultimately, papers that do not lend themselves to evidence synthesis. Addiction is developing an online Paper Authoring Tool (PAT) that should facilitate research report writing. Underlying this tool will be an ‘ontology’ of addiction methods and theory which allows the system to provide intelligent prompts to users for key items of information and where possible allows users to use pre-specified terms to describe commonly occurring features.
This workshop will provide attendees with an opportunity to try a pre-launch version of the tool and discuss ways in which it can be developed and improved.
NB: Register in advance for this workshop via the booking form. A limited number of workshop places will be available.
Click here for the presentation slides.