Lead Nurse - Alcohol Care Team
Anthony began his career as a Mental Health Nurse in 1993. He trained as a Registered Mental Nurse in at Homerton College, Cambridge and continued his career at Fulbourn Hospital, part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust for over 13 years and is now fully RMN DipHe FDAP (Federation of Drug and Alcohol Practitioners) registered.
Since 2006, Anthony has been working in addictions and continues to work with people who use and misuse alcohol and other drugs as part of his everyday practice.
Anthony is currently a Lead Nurse in the Alcohol Care Team at Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford and is Chair of the Surrey Alcohol Liaison Nurses forum.
In 2019, Anthony received the Chief Nurse of England Silver Award for services to nursing.
In 2020, his team won the HSJ Patient Safety Awards- Changing Culture Award.
In 2021 Anthony completed his training to become a Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA).