Caitlin Notley


Dr Caitlin Notley was successful in securing funding from the SSA for their first ever Post-Doctoral Fellowship post. She began a five year programme of work in May 2013, focusing on tobacco smoking relapse prevention. This work is a public health priority as most people who manage to successfully quit smoking in the short term will relapse back to smoking within 12 months. There are currently no effective interventions to prevent smoking relapse [1], either in the general population or amongst specific at risk populations, such as postpartum women [2]. Dr Notley’s mixed methods programme of work explores the phenomenon of smoking relapse and will develop an intervention to support women to stay abstinent from smoking postpartum.

SSA fellowship funding has supported Dr Notley to lead and develop interlinked research projects, and has provided her with opportunities for national and international collaboration with other research centres. The funding has enabled Dr Notley to develop her methodological expertise in qualitative research methods and systematic reviewing, through involvement with a supportive network of SSA academics.