CT1 Psychiatry
My name is Fatima Abubakar. I am Nigerian. I went to high school in Iran then I studied medicine in Hacettepe Medical University in Ankara, Turkey. I have some working experience as an intern in both Turkey and Nigeria. I started working in psychiatry at a Trust grade doctor for a year and recently joined the training scheme earlier this year. I will also be sitting for Paper A in December 2015.
Current post and Organization
I am currently a trainee in psychiatry at CT1 level. I am based at Cedar Ward, Harrogate district hospital which is an inpatient psychiatric ward in Harrogate for working age adults. The organization is Tees, Esk, Wears and Valleys NHS trust which run services not only in Harrogate but in North Allerton, Scarborough and York.
Areas of particular interests
I am still new to the field of psychiatry and I still don’t have a wealth of experience in all the areas but so far I am very keen on working in general adult psychiatry between the ages of 18-65 and aspire to become a CMHT consultant for working age adult.
Intentions for future works
I intend to do further rotation within CAMHS, MHSOP, LD and possibly forensic services at a future date. I would like to write a book about MRCPsych exam which I am currently studying for.