Dr Helen Gleeson


Research Area

Research Assistant, Middlesex University, London

I am a research assistant in the Department of Mental Health and Social Work at Middlesex University.  Currently I am working on two projects with the Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (DARC) at Middlesex University, one looking at substance misuse interventions targeting young people in the criminal justice system and the other exploring the pathways of Polish migrants accessing alcohol treatment services in London.  I gained my PhD from the National University of Ireland, Galway in 2014 with a mixed methods study of the relationships between the police and young people in Ireland.


Dr Helen Gleeson has worked as a research assistant at Middlesex University in the Department of Mental Health and Social Work since 2016.  Helen received her PhD from NUI Galway, Ireland, in Child and Youth Studies (Psychology) where her thesis focused on understanding the meanings of relationships between young people and the police.   Since then she has worked on a range of projects spanning the life course in mental health, family relationships, substance misuse and youth justice from a human rights and/or public policy perspective. Currently her two main projects include a study on the pathways of Polish migrants through alcohol misuse treatment in London (funded by ALRUK) and the experiences of young people of substance misuse services within the criminal justice system (EPPIC project; funded by EU).

Email: h.gleeson@mdx.ac.uk  Twitter: @helgleeson