Ms Margaret Campbell

Service Coordinator


Mark Campbell currently works as an outreach worker and counsellor for the HSE Mid – West Drug & Alcohol Service, Ireland. He is based in Ennis, Co Clare and Limerick City.

He has worked in Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services since 1995. He worked in treatment services in the UK from 1996 to 2002 including for Turning Point, Lincoln and Leicester Drug & Alcohol Service. Mark returned to Ireland in 2002 and worked as an outreach worker for the Health Service Executive (HSE) Mid – West, Drug & Alcohol Service from 2002 to 2007. He worked as the Addiction Counsellor at NUI Galway (University) from 2007 to 2011. He returned to the HSE Mid – West Drug & Alcohol Service in 2011. Mark completed a counselling qualification at University College Cork (UCC) in 2006. He has been accredited 5 years with the Addiction Counsellors of Ireland (ACI) and the Irish Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists (IACP).

Mark has a particular interest in working with individuals dependent on cannabis. He has facilitated treatment groups for individuals dependent on cannabis over the last two years. Mark was mainly responsible for developing the treatment programme.  It is believed this was the first group treatment programme in Ireland that was undertaken specifically with individuals dependent on cannabis.