A naturalistic longitudinal analysis of post-detoxification outcome predictors in opioid-dependent patients

First published: 10 May 2019 | Last updated: 20 May 2019

Post-doctoral Fellow – Psychologist

Jo-Hanna Ivers (PhD) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Public Health & Primary Care, Institute of Population Health, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.  She is a Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.  Jo-Hanna’s current research interests include opiate dependence, neuropsychological outcomes and more recently homelessness. Her publications have focused on neuroimaging, cognitive behavioural therapy, brief Interventions and public health. In addition to peer-reviewed articles, Jo-Hanna has produced and published national reports, which have directly impacted service provision across the Addiction Services nationally. Prior to research, Jo-Hanna worked for several years in the Addiction Services.

Prof. Zgaga L 1, Dr. Sweeney B2, Dr. Keenan E3, Dr, Darker C1, Dr. Smyth BP1,3, and Prof. Barry J1,3.
1 Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
2 Tara Trust Edinburgh, Scotland.
3 National Drug Treatment Centre, Dublin, Ireland

Conflicts of interest:

Funding Sources: No funding

There is no conflict of interest to report

Dr Jo-Hanna Ivers