Blogs & Bulletins Relevant to Addiction Clinicians

First published: 16 March 2016 | Last updated: 27 March 2019

A blog according to the dictionary is a website containing a writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., whilst a bulletin summarises news, publications and is issued to inform its subscribers.


Alcohol Concern Newsletter – issued periodically reports on latest research, and news stories from around the world on the wider issues around alcohol.

Alcohol Policy UK – edited by James Morris of the Alcohol Academy it aims to help the alcohol harm reduction field stay up to date with news, developments and analysis.

Alcohol IBA blog set up to promote learning, understanding and the delivery of IBA amongst all roles that have the opportunity to deliver it. The blog aims to support the IBA agenda by sharing information and learning relating to IBA, and sign-posting to key resources. The blog is open to relevant contributors who have ideas or expertise on IBA that will support these aims.


European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA ) ‘Just published’ email newsletter provides updates on  their new publications and products.

Release a UK centre of expertise on drugs and drugs law blogs on many issues relating to drugs and the law – recent topics  explore the  reform of stop and search powers; outlook for drug policy in 2016; widening of access to naloxone.

Transform is a UK drugs policy charity campaigning for the legal regulation of drugs both in the UK and internationally. Its blog comments on international policy and debates issues relating to the legalisation of drugs .

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)  e-news  covers international drugs and crime news.


Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) media office publishes ASH Daily News  a summary of national and international press stories on smoking-related issues.

Robert West – Professor of Health Psychology at University College, London, writes and comments on various issues and evidence relating to smoking. Recent subjects include Nicotine –does it have any benefits?  – E-cigarettes for smoking reduction, blood pressure … and other things.

New Nicotine Alliance Blog through its articles aims to encourage a better public and organisational understanding of the potential of safer nicotine products for reducing cigarette smoking and to enhance public understanding of alternatives to smoking, and smoking cessation.

Addiction General

ADFAM – monthly policy briefings covering and commenting on latest policy and good practice relevant to those working or interested in matters relating to families, drugs and alcohol.

Drug and Alcohol Findings – a continually updated web based free resource that provides synthesises and analysis of research from the world literature on ‘what works’ in responding to substance use disorders, and is available via the SSA website.

DS Daily – a free daily news service which aims to give wide coverage to issues relating to drug, alcohol and tobacco. A weekly summary is also available.

The Brief Addiction Science Information Source (BASIS) is a product of the Division on Addiction, Cambridge Health Alliance, a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital. Its aim is to strengthen worldwide understanding of addiction and minimize its harmful effects. BASIS provides a forum for the free exchange of information related to addiction, and public access to the latest scientific developments and resources in the field. It has four weekly science reviews: – The Drinking Report for Addiction Medicine (DRAM) and Addiction Smoking Health Education Service (ASHES) address issues related to alcohol and tobacco use and abuse respectively. Science Threads on Addiction, Substance Use, and Health (STASH) addresses substance use and abuse. It also has one on gambling, The WAGER.

Addiction Inbox: The Science of Substance Abuse -Dirk Hanson a blogger and freelance science writer maintains this blog. Posts include interviews with neuroscientists, drug policy czars, social science professors, and many others. Hanson simplifies complex medical information on alcohol, drugs, addiction, and treatment therapies.

Understanding Addiction blog from Marc Lewis, PhD, a neuroscientist and professor of developmental psychology at Radboud University in the Netherlands. Recent topics on his blog consider the question of addiction and the disease model.


The opinions expressed in this commentary reflect the views of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official positions of the Society for the Study of Addiction.