Exploring the uptake, use and barriers to smoking cessation interventions amongst adults accessing homeless support services

First published: 13 March 2019 | Last updated: 28 March 2019

Dr Sharon Cox

Research Fellow

I was awarded a BSc in Psychology from the University of Kent in 2007, and later also a MSc and PhD both in Psychology and Addiction from London Metropolitan University.  I was awarded the Vice-Chancellors Studentship Award in 2010 from London Metropolitan University and started my PhD investigating the effects of alcohol dependence of social and emotional processing, graduating in 2015.

For the last six years I have been teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level on drugs and addictive behaviours at London Met and University of East London.  I also have practical experience within clinical settings which informs my teaching and research. I have worked as an Assistant Psychologist for Medway NHS Services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Also as a ‘front-line’ NHS Tier 2 alcohol support worker, for 3 years I provided education and support within one of the most economically deprived areas of Kent. I also have four years’ experience as a Mental Health Advisor and Mentor for Canterbury Christ Church University within the department of Student Support and Wellbeing.

My specialist area of research interest includes the effects of alcoholism on social cognition and most recently, nicotine dependence, tobacco use and e-cigarette use.

I have worked with Dr Dinkar Sharma from the University of Kent on the role of emotion in conflict adaption. I now work alongside Dr Lynne Dawkins on a CRUK grant investigating puffing patterns associated with high and low strength nicotine and related toxicant and carcinogen exposure. I am a reviewer for Psychopharmacology and Nicotine and Tobacco Research.


Dr Sharon Cox