Getting it on the agenda: younger people, the evidence in policy and practice

First published: 09 May 2019 | Last updated: 20 May 2019

This paper will review the emerging evidence for the effectiveness of specific therapies, adapted for use in this age group. It will initially review the evidence for brief interventions in young people. Further therapies will then be reviewed, to include motivational enhancement therapies, cognitive behavioural therapies, and generally counselling, and 12 step facilitation. Family therapies, their general similarities and their effectiveness will be considered. The pharmacological approaches used in this age group will be briefly reviewed. The available outcome research will be considered, its relevance to the settings and therapies employed. The integration of these therapies and more comprehensive care will be presented, alongside the barriers to this integrated care. The paper will then discuss the development of these services both internationally and in the UK, the principles applied to these developments, the barriers to treatments, the variety of settings used. Future challenges for service providers, commissioners and researchers will be presented.


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Professor Eilish Gilvarry