New drug trends and unmet treatment need – Findings from the Global Drug Survey, 2011-12

First published: 30 March 2019 | Last updated: 20 May 2019


Dr Adam Winstock

Adam is a Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist and researcher based in London. He worked in Australia for 8 years. He has spent over a decade researching new drug trends. He has written and spoken widely on the issue of novel psychoactive substances having conducted the largest studies in the world on the use of mephedrone and synthetic cannabis products. His research and academic papers focus on their epidemiology, effect profiles, motivations for use and risks of harms. He has also monitored the impact of legislation on their use and availability and has written on the issue of alternative legislative responses to criminalisation under the misuse of drugs legislation. He has written over a 100 papers, monographs and book chapters. He is also founder and director of Global Drug Survey, an independent drug use data exchange hub and the architect of the drugs meter (

New drug trends and unmet treatment need – Findings from the Global Drug Survey, 2011-12


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