Pain and dependence: Better together

First published: 09 May 2019 | Last updated: 20 May 2019

Dr Rebecca Lawrence

Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Rebecca Lawrence studied medicine at Edinburgh University, and undertook General Practice training (MRCGP 1996) before commencing training in General Psychiatry in South East Scotland (MRCPsych 2000, CCST with endorsement in addictions 2005).  Her MPhil thesis was entitled The Roxburgh, Berwick, and Selkirk District Asylum. A study of patients admitted from 1887 to 1897. She has worked as a consultant psychiatrist in addictions based in Edinburgh since 2006, and is the lead consultant for the specialist in-patient addictions unit, as well as having a special interest in pain management (Lothian Pain and Dependency Clinic). She is currently in the second year of a three-year MSc in Clinical Management of Pain (University of Edinburgh), and is a co-investigator in a multi-site observational study of the side effects of opioids (SEOS). She is a medical examiner and supervisor for the GMC, and has a particular interest in doctors’ health.

Pain and dependence:  Better together


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Rebecca Lawrence