Patient experience of smoking lapse and relapse back to smoking

First published: 29 March 2019 | Last updated: 20 May 2019


Dr Caitlin Notley

Dr Caitlin Notley is a current SSA Research Fellow, based at the Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia. With an expertise in qualitative methods, and specifically qualitative studies alongside randomised controlled trials, her research background in addictions has focused on opiate substitution treatment, treatment for alcohol dependence and substance misuse amongst young people with emergent signs of severe mental health difficulties. Her current programme of work is in the field of tobacco smoking relapse prevention. As part of her fellowship she has led a qualitative study alongside an HTA funded trial and recently completed a qualitative systematic review synthesising studies reporting on post-partum women’s experience of smoking relapse. Her current and future work is focused on relapse prevention for particularly vulnerable and at risk groups (including postpartum women).

Griffith Edwards SSA Academic Fellowship Awardee:

Patient experience of smoking lapse and relapse back to smoking


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Dr Caitlin Notley