Peoples After Care Service (PACS) - From alcohol detoxification to recovery

First published: 10 May 2019 | Last updated: 20 May 2019

The aim of the project was to assist in the transition from alcohol inpatient detoxification into the recovery community and reduce relapse rates.

The delivery of psychosocial interventions utilising  ‘Route to Recovery ‘ mapping documentation (individual and group) sessions post detoxification. We held weekly workshops co-delivered with service volunteers and located in existing partner recovery organisation. We also used Motivational text messages.

Outcome measures of recovery included use of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWEBS) and the individual ‘s Alcohol Outcome Record (AOR)

A total of 66 patients were referred to the services in 3 months. We had 63% male and 37% female patients. The average age was 45 years and the average score for the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ) at baseline was 40. The WEMWEBS score increase from an average of 37 at baseline to an average of 50 at 1 month follow up. From the AOR the A&E attendance in the past month reduced from 36% at baseline to 4% at 2 months follow up

After a month we retained 47% with this reducing to 36% in month two. 66% of those who dropped out were unemployed with a lower SADQ and a slightly higher WEMWBS score. In relation to the wheel of recovery baseline data demonstrates  ‘emotional wellbeing ‘ and  ‘personal growth ‘ as the key areas requiring change, indicating the importance of mental health within their recovery. Well being scores increased from below average to average and whilst abstinence rates improved, retention rates remain low and require further investigation.


Christine Healey, Research Associate, School of Psychological Sciences and Manchester Centre for Health Psychology, University of Manchester, Coupland Building Oxford Road, Manchestre M13 9PL


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Ms Madeline Jones