COVID-19 and addiction: webinars, podcasts and online discussions
In these unprecedented times there is a need to learn about the emerging evidence on COVID-19. Listed below are upcoming and recorded webinars, podcasts, and discussions on COVID-19 from organisations working in the addictions sector.
Upcoming webinars
Public Policy Exchange Webinar: The Future of Gambling Post Covid-19: Responding to Emerging Technology, Protecting Vulnerable Groups & Promoting Social Responsibility after Lockdowns Tuesday, August 3rd 2021
Public Health England – Children of alcohol dependent parents webinar 29 June 2021 aims to explore the increase in drinking since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact this is having on vulnerable families.
International Confederation of ATOD Research Associations webinar series: How COVID has changed cannabis markets, use and policy 17th June 2021, 15:00-17:00 GMT/ 17:00-19:00 SAST Register
United Kingdom
IDHDP side event at CND: Drugs COVID and marginalisation held on April 12th available online
The Alcohol ‘Problem’ Podcast Ep 4: Lockdown drinkers? COVID-19 and alcohol use
King’s College London Our Sick Society Podcast: Episode 4: ‘Recovery and Lockdown’
SMMGP Covid-19 webinars. Recordings available
Drug Science interview with Adam Winstock on ‘How has Covid affected drug use’?
Medical Council on Alcohol Webinar: Recording Now available MCA Alcohol and Covid
ASH in collaboration with Fresh, hosted a webinar on the importance of public health to COVID-19 recovery, including tobacco, obesity and alcohol. Listen here
United for Global Mental Health webinar “Substance use & mental health: challenges, opportunities & first lessons during the COVID-19 outbreak”
Nursing in Practice – learning module on supporting smokers to quit for COVID
The Local Government Association Alcohol and COVID-19: tackling problem drinking after lockdown held July 27th 2020 – download presentation slides
BBC Newsnight 29 Oct 2020: Has lockdown had a positive impact on those with drug addiction?
BBC Tees podcast ‘Drugs in lockdown’ explores how drug use has changed
BBC World Service podcast, 2 men, in Africa and the US, talk about how they fought their addictions during early recovery in lockdown.
HCV Action webinar: Hepatitis C services during and beyond Covid-19 now available to watch online
COVID-19: Best practice for managing drug and alcohol problems – a joint RCGP and SMMGP webinar. Watch here
Scottish Drugs Forum COVID19 webinar series addressing the support of people of with drug problems, and the effective delivery of services– available to watch here
Global Drug Survey Corona Conversations series of video interviews with experts around the world discussing the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic is having an effect on people who use drugs.
London School of Economics: Illicit Drugs during Covid-19 -how has COVID-19 affected some of the most vulnerable people in society? | LSE Research
Phil Cain Events: Alcohol and the outbreak 1; Alcohol and the Outbreak 2; Alcohol and Mental Health – strategies for challenging times. Discussions about the challenges presented by COVID-19 for those working to reduce alcohol harm: click here
Royal College of Psychiatrists: webinars to support members and trainees during the pandemic: Managing addiction in psychiatric settings click here
University of Edinburgh Usher Institute COVID-19 webinar series recordings of all events- including Webinar 9: COVID-19 and Tobacco: Integrating communicable and non-communicable disease responses and Webinar 15: South Africa’s response to COVID-19: trajectory of the pandemic and public health measures to address it, including a temporary ban on alcohol
Club Soda Podcasts Episodes 7&8: How not to drink during isolation; advice from the best Part 1 : How not to drink during isolation; advice from the best Part 2.
Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) series of recordings focusing on multiple disadvantage and COVID-19 including substance misuse
EMCDDA Video Spotlight on our activities: Impact of COVID-19 in ENP countries
Session on drug policy and Covid at the Paris Peace Forum 2020 listen here
North America
The International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals (ISSUP) Webinar | Addictive Behaviors: Prevention and Treatment during COVID-19 Pandemic 31st March 2021
Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions (IRETA): Substance Use Disorder Care: Pandemic and Beyond video
UVic’s Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research and SFU/BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Webinar: “Mitigating risk of COVID-19 and overdose among people who use drugs: A BC-wide evaluation”
British Columbia BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) Webinars: COVID-19, Substance Use, and Safer Supply
CCSA Implications of COVID-19 available at Webinar Series
ISAM Webinar Series on COVID-19 and SUD: A Global Perspective on Challenges and Solutions
The International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals links to COVID 19 Webinars
National Academy of Medicine and American Society of Addiction Medicine webinars Supporting and Helping People with Addiction Stay Connected During COVID-19 click here
Middle East
UNODC transregional (Middle East and North Africa) Online Training to Support People Who Use Drugs during COVID 19
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre Drug use during COVID-19: New study paints an interesting picture 9 July 2020
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre Global drug market shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic 17 Sept 2020
Please Explain podcast: Why are Australians gambling more in lockdown?
By Christine Goodair
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