COVID-19: harm reduction advice (links)
Harm reduction advice A-Z
Correlation Network Voices of Frontline Workers: Harm Reduction Responses in the European Region during the COVID-19 pandemic; Report
Frontiers in Psychiatry COVID-19 Social Restrictions: An Opportunity to Re-visit the Concept of Harm Reduction in the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence. A Position Paper
Groundswell Coronavirus advice for people experiencing homelessness – includes drugs and alcohol
HRB Drugs Library Bulletin Dublin: Systems acceleration? The responses of Simon Communities to first wave Covid 19. click here
Harm Reduction Journal: ‘They already operated like it was a crisis, because it always has been a crisis’: a qualitative exploration of the response of one homeless service in Scotland to the COVID-19 pandemic: click here
Harm Reduction Journal:Smoking prevalence among hospitalized COVID-19 patients and its association with disease severity and mortality: an expanded re-analysis of a recent publication
Pompidou Group and Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network report presents experiences and responses to the Covid19 pandemic by frontline workers and people who use drugs click here
The Pharmaceutical Journal: Nearly 200 naloxone kits provided through ‘click-and-deliver’ service during pandemic
ADFAM 10 top tips for family members that are staying at home (pdf) and 6 Ideas for Mental and Emotional Wellbeing (pdf)
Alcohol Change UK: includes tips for managing drinking, links to support, and guidance for professionals: click here
ASH: Stop smoking services open to smokers thanks to rapid response of local councils
ASH Wales: Professor Robert West’s advice to smokers on COVID-19: click here
Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health webinar briefing: click here
British HIV Association (BHIVA) has produced a list of HIV organisations providing support during the COVID-19 pandemic: click here
Canadian Centre on Substance use and addiction (CCSA) and Mental Health Canada Fact sheets with tips on how to manage stress and reduce the harms associated with using alcohol, cannabis and other substances during the COVID-19 pandemic: click here
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction infographic ‘COVID-19 and Impaired Driving Risks’
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction infographic ‘Coping with Stress, Anxiety, and Substance Use during Covid-19: How Animals Can Help’
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition COVID-19 harm reduction resource – insight and guidance on best practices for people who use drugs and healthcare providers: click here
Change Grow Live: Coronavirus advice for people who use drugs – harm reduction advice updated 2 Nov 2020
Change Grow Live: Blood borne virus (BBV) toolkit includes tools and resources for testing in a COVID world.
Cochrane Library Special Collection on effective options for quitting smoking during the pandemic: click here
Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network resources: click here
DDN (Drink and Drug News): essential harm reduction advice on COVID-19 through a comprehensive leaflet: click here
DrugReporter Harm Reduction Responses to COVID-19 in Europe: Regularly Updated Infopage
DrugReporter: HepaGo (Budapest, Hungary)– Supporting people living on the streets during the pandemic
EMDCCA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) resources for people who use drugs and for drug service providers: click here
Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO) resources for safer gambling during COVID-19: click here
Harm Reduction Coalition harm reduction guidance: click here
Harm Reduction International COVID-19, Prisons and Drug Policy : Global Scan – March-June 2020
Harm Reduction Journal: Rapid evidence review of harm reduction interventions and messaging for people who inject drugs during pandemic events: implications for the ongoing COVID‑19 response
‘How a Pandemic has Shifted the Conversation Around Harm Reduction‘article by Katie Termini, a member of the 2020 US Scaife Medical Student Fellowship
HSE (Health Research Board Ireland) clinical and patient care research and harm reduction resources related to Covid-19: click here
International Drug Policy Consortium: Technical brief: Harm reduction for people who use drugs
International Journal of Drug Policy: Essential work, precarious labour: The need for safer and equitable harm reduction work in the era of COVID-19
International Journal of Drug Policy: Harm reduction in the time of COVID-19: Case study of homelessness and drug use in Dublin, Ireland
NHS Addictions Provider Alliance (previously NHSSMPA): Smoking Cessation Support in Manchester’s homeless hotels during COVID-19
NHS Scotland advice : Coronavirus (COVID-19) and drug use
NHS Substance Misuse Provider Alliance (NHSSMPA) on the provision of needle and syringe programmes during the COVID-19 lock-down: click here
NHS Substance Misuse Provider Alliance (NHSSMPA) harm reduction guide: COVID-19 and alcohol dependency: looking after yourself during lock-down: click here
NIAAA the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism : list of useful resources on Alcohol and Covid-19 for the public, clinicians, and researchers
NIDA – the US National Institute on Drug Abuse on how COVID-19 might affect people who use drugs: click here
Nobody Left Outside coalition briefing paper: COVID-19 in marginalised groups: challenges, actions and voices.
NZ Drug Foundation : A reminder for people who use drugs as we move through alert levels : help/support
RCP (Royal College of Phsyciatrists): latest COVID-19 resources around alcohol: click here
Recovery View: Addiction: Covid-19 & Relapse
Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) guidance on contingency planning for people who use drugs: click here
Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF): Harm reduction innovations under lock-down discussed in their latest Drugs Uncut episode
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs: click here for support – click here for FAQs
Smoke Free Partnership (SFP) coalition statement on COVID-19 focuses on the importance of tobacco control for public health: click here
SSA BLog: Dr Emmert Roberts and Dr Emily Finch on Prescription of alcohol in emergency homeless hotel accommodation during the COVID-19 lockdown
Talking Drugs harm reduction advice: click here
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction new resources – report ‘Methamphetamine, the Respiratory System and COVID-19’ infographic ‘Methamphetamine, Cocaine and #COVID-19 Health Risks’
The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease – statement on COVID-19 and smoking: click here
Transform Drug Policy Foundation on COVID-19 and harm reduction: click here
UISCE (national advocacy service for people who use drugs in Ireland) harm reduction resources: click here
UK Parliament Early Day Motion Treatment services during the COVID-19 outbreak
UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) suggestions about treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with drug use disorder in the context of COVID-19: click here
WearewithYou:Coping through the pandemic: drinks, drugs and mental health – COVID-19 is increasing mental health issues and drug and alcohol use in the LGBTQ+ community. But support is available if you need it.
WHO Europe Office Alcohol and COVID-19 – what you need to know. Addressing, among other things, the misinformation that is being spread about alcohol and COVID-19: click here
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