Reading Around… Problem Gambling
A recent Lancet editorial highlighted problem gambling as a public health concern.This short guide provides links to selected gambling research organisations from around the world, gambling statistics, key UK reports and treatment and help resources.
The European Association for the Study of Gambling is a forum for the systematic study, discussion and dissemination of knowledge about all matters relating to the study of gambling in Europe. It provides links to recommended reports, and also awards research funding to young researchers based in one of the European countries and active in the gambling studies field.
Alberta Gambling Research Institute supports and promotes gambling research in the Province of Alberta and is a consortium of the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and the University of Lethbridge. It provides links to useful resources, prevalence data (national and international), data and statistics, journals, and produces a newsletter.
New Zealand
The Gambling and Addictions Research Centre was established in 2003 within the National Institute for Public Health and Mental Health Research. It conducts research into the understanding of how gambling and addictions affect society, including the incidence and prevalence of problem gambling. Links are provided to research projects and reports
The Australian Gambling Research Centre (AGRC) was set up in 2013 and undertakes research and publishes evidence-based reports to increase the capacity and capability of policy-makers, researchers, and professionals working in the gambling sector. Research interests include harm caused by gambling to problem gamblers; families and communities of problem gamblers, and those at risk of experiencing harm; measures that may be undertaken to reduce harm; and statistics and data on recreational gambling.
Australian Gambling Statistics provides data for the entire range of legalised Australian gambling products. It has been compiled annually since 1984 by the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office in co-operation with all Australian state and territory governments. The 32nd edition has information on all legalised gambling in Australia up to and including 2014–15.
The National Councill on Problem Gambling provides advice and feedback on social concerns related to problems arising from gambling.
The Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators (APGSA) supports the development of services that will reduce the impact of problem gambling. It hosts a collection of documents and helpful links to online sources for the national problem gambling community
Policy responsibility for gambling is held by the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and is regulated by the Gambling Commission. It was set up under the Gambling Act 2005 to regulate commercial gambling in Great Britain in partnership with licensing authorities. It also regulates the National Lottery under the National Lottery etc. Act 1993.Resources available include data and reports on participation in gambling and related problems. Industry statistics are published twice a year providing the latest information on each industry sector regulated, including online gambling services. The role of the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board is to provide independent advice to the Gambling Commission and DCMS on strategy and priorities for research education and treatment.
The Scottish Public Health Observatory website provides data on the health of the Scottish population across a wide range of topics and has a dedicated section on gambling providing links to key points, data, evidence, and policy context.
Two Nat Cen reports are also useful:
Gambling behaviour in Great Britain in 2015, provides information about gambling behaviour in Great Britain using data combined from the Health Survey for England (HSE) 2015, the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) 2015 and the Wales Omnibus in 2015. It looks at the prevalence of gambling participation, at-risk gambling and problem gambling and explores characteristics associated with gambling participation, at-risk gambling, and problem gambling
Understanding Gambling: Impacts and Social Networks Across the Lifecourse is a briefing paper on gambling behaviour over time and its impacts on individual players and their wider social networks.
Gambling Treatment and Help (in the UK)
The National Problem Gambling Clinic in London opened in 2008. It provides a service for people affected by problem gambling including family members and friends of those with the gambling problem.
GamCare provides information, advice, support and free counselling for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling. They operate the National Gambling Helpline which offers free and confidential support, information and advice on problem gambling either via telephone or online)
BigDeal is a website for young people to find information and support related to gambling, either for themselves or someone they care about
The Gordon Moody Association a registered charity providing residential support and treatment for people who are severely addicted to gambling
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship for people to share their experiences of gambling strength with aim of helping each other to with their common problem.
by Christine Goodair
September 2017
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