Mr Benjamin Butterworth
My name is Benjamin Butterworth, a PhD student at Glasgow Caledonian University. Studying in my native North East, I graduated from Durham University with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology in 2016, before completing a MRes in Psychology at the University of York in 2017. From there, I moved to Glasgow to take up a PhD studentship investigating the relationship between alcohol use and memory, and how this influences the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I am therefore very interested in alcohol addiction and dependence, both of which drastically affect the prognosis and treatment of PTSD. Outside of my PhD, I’m a proud member of the substance use and misuse group at Glasgow Caledonian University, the Scottish Alcohol Research Network, and postgraduate representative for the Scottish branch of the British Psychological Society. If you want to get in touch, feel free to email ( or find me on twitter (@Memoreasy).