Stress, coping and strain of family members in São Paulo, Brazil

First published: 10 May 2019 | Last updated: 20 May 2019

The consequences of alcohol and drugs have been widely debated and disseminated. The consensus is that these substances are formed in elements extremely harmful to society. This is also the negative consequences family members where this individual belongs.  There are quite consistent evidence about the negative impact on core family caused by the existence of an alcoholic or other drugs, particularly the immediate family, such as spouses, parents and children (Velleman et al., 2003, Hohman et al., 2001).

This ends up generating reactions that often manifest as symptoms physical and psychological in the immediate family. And it is precisely these events that need to be identified and properly treated (Copello et al., 2005).

The objective of this research was to establish a socio-demographic profile of families and assess the negative impact of addiction.


Cross-sectional study. A convenience sample of 500 family members of Addicts in Greater Sao Paulo.

We administered a questionnaire that revealed the dependence of the profile being dependent and impact of addiction in the family. Data: 77% women and 23% men, aged between 45 and concentrated 64 years,  Social Class B makes up 48%, 72.4% of families have relatives in hospital or who has been hospitalized, and 64.6% in the therapeutic community and 41.4% in clinics and paid 76% of cases with their own resources, it takes on average 2.6 years to seek direct help to the relative, live about 10 years with drug use and 59% are unaware of the Psychosocial Care Center – Alcohol and Drugs; family members reported feelings are sadness, helplessness, anguish and despair, and 98% expect the user to stop its being drugs. As for the addiction member of the families surveyed, the data are prevalent among ages 18 to 34 years, 92% are male and alcohol is used in 71% of cases. The implementation of strategies for care and assistance to families as a measure of Public Health Policy is of great importance for the effective inclusion of families in treatment programs and drug use prevention.


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Ms Maria de Fatima Rato Padin