SSA Annual Conference 2019

Follow the links in the presentation titles for author biographies, abstracts, audio and video recordings, and accompanying slide presentations. Links below and at the bottom of the page for delegate speakers, and delegate poster material.

Society Lecture 2019

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Addiction Controversies: 'The use of medicinal cannabis should be expanded in the UK'

SSA Annual Conference 2019

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Professor Owen Bowden-Jones

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Professor Stephen Pilling

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Dr Suzi Gage

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Dr Amir Englund

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Addiction controversies: Visual minutes

Special session: Addiction narratives through film

Workshop: Transforming addiction science through the Addiction Paper Authoring Tool and Addiction Ontology

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Professor Susan Michie

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Dr Janna Hastings

SSA Annual Conference 2019

Dr Paul Toner

Complete list of themes, speakers & posters